95% local...
Although it's organic and locally woven, the cotton we use does not grow in Canada. The fiber used in our clothes is the last 5% missing in our quest for 100% local production, from field to wardrobe.
For environmental reasons related to the production and transportation of cotton, our goal is to replace it with a fiber grown in Quebec.
The winner is... HEMP
Hemp was one of the first plants domesticated by man in the Neolithic period. Almost 6000 years later, we are just now realizing that it is indeed a plant with a lot of benefits. Proof that the first idea is often the best one!
In addition to being hypoallergenic, resistant, and biodegradable, hemp does not require any pesticides to grow and helps regenerate the soil. Even better, its cultivation absorbs more carbon than it emits and requires four times less water than cotton for the same surface. The processed fiber forms a fabric that breathes and is more resistant than cotton.
Hemp is unequivocally the plant of the future and not only in textiles. It revolutionizes food, care, construction, fuel, etc.
But why isn't it already used everywhere?
Unfortunately, the expertise necessary for its production and industrial transformation has not yet been developed in Quebec or Canada. This results in a huge impact on its price, and consequently its accessibility.
The accessibility to the product is crucial to our mission of democratizing local clothing. Our challenge now seems to lie in the successful cultivation and transformation of this local fiber, without impacting the price or the quality of our products.
Follow us in our quest for the ultimate made-in-Quebec t-shirt, from field to wardrobe: a short series of three episodes to discover locally grown hemp.