Produced in our offices, the podcast A Conversation with Drowster features exchanges between documentary photographer Drowster and dedicated individuals from and serving Quebec culture.
S03 E22 - Jay Du Temple
Jay Du Temple is a comedian and TV host. A graduate of the École nationale de l'humour, he has made a name for himself among Quebec audiences with his insightful, sincere humor sprinkled with personal experience. He has also hosted several seasons of Occupation Double, and will soon be hosting the Gala Québec Cinéma 2023.
Best known for his engaging portraits taken in Quebec, Asia and the Middle East, Drowster has been a close friend and collaborator of C'est beau since the very beginning. Sharing the same desire to democratize Quebec know-how, it was only natural for C'est beau to produce the podcast directly in its Montreal offices.
Credits ↓
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Presented by: Bonjour Québec
Host & director: Drowster
Producers: Guillaume Laprise & Raphaël Ricard
Cameraman & editor: Philip Rouleau
Assistant editor: Renaud Jacob
Motion designer: Charles Desmarais
Post-production supervisor: Camille Blackburn
Studio coordinator: Léonie Hottote
Production: C'est beau