Every second, the equivalent of a garbage truckload of clothes is incinerated or landfilled around the world.
In a context where the fashion sector is responsible for over 10% of global carbon emissions according to the FAO we're proud to say that our locally-produced clothing business is not only carbon-neutral, but carbon-negative: every year, we offset more greenhouse gas emissions than we produce.
LCL Environment an environmental solutions consulting firm, supports us in this carbon-neutral approach. Their expertise in emissions assessment guides us towards opportunities for improvement and effective strategies for reducing our emissions at source. In parallel with Carbone Boréal a greenhouse gas offset program and a research chair at UQAC RESEARCH CHAIR we offset our residual emissions by financing local reforestation projects. Their rigorous approach guarantees a real positive environmental and community impact. Every tree planted in our offset initiatives makes a concrete contribution to carbon sequestration in Canada.
Is it difficult to have a neutral or even negative carbon footprint?
Yes, and no. The numbers don't lie: in addition to generating 8 times more jobs for every million dollars in sales, local production generates three times less greenhouse gases than importing clothing. So, by choosing to produce and sell locally within an 800 km radius, we're already minimizing transportation-related emissions, maintaining high standards of sustainability throughout our supply chain, and, as a result, minimizing our carbon footprint. It is in this proximity that our commitment to a sustainable future flourishes.
True wealth lies in proximity: the future is local
In conclusion, at the heart of our commitment to carbon neutrality lies our vision of a sustainable, local future. The more we favor local production and consumption practices, the less we will depend on external resources and the fewer greenhouse gases we will produce.