This spring, we had the privilege of working again with the iconic Parc régional du Poisson Blanc to create their new clothing collection. The cherry on top? They invited us to experience microrefuge, where our team worked in creative retreat mode.

Founded in 2005, the Corporation du Parc du Poisson Blanc is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote ecotourism and integrated management of the Poisson Blanc Regional Park and surrounding public lands, and to contribute to the social well-being and economic development of its community, Notre-Dame-du-Laus. It is mandated by the Antoine-Labelle MRC and the municipality of Notre-Dame-du-Laus to operate the Poisson Blanc Regional Park.

In 2006-2007, technicians were hired to initiate and coordinate the cleaning of the reservoir. Major clean-up operations, notably with the Air-Eau-Bois outdoor base, freed the islands of nearly two tonnes of waste left behind by unsupervised human occupation. As part of efforts to ensure more respectful use of the islands, latrines have been installed on several of them.

In 2008, the Poisson Blanc Regional Park was officially created. Reservations for camping sites on the islands began in 2009, and canoe and kayak rentals were added in 2010. Between 2008 and 2012, a system for supervising and monitoring use of the reservoir's islands is put in place. Nearly 17 km of hiking trails have also been laid out on Montagne du Fort.

Finally, a splendid reception pavilion, Le Bastion, was inaugurated at the start of the 2012 season. Today, it is the pride of the Park team and its visitors.

Customer: Parc régional du Poisson Blanc
Contributors: Drowster's dad, Michèle Lussier and Anne-Charlotte Pacheco-Labelle
Illustration: Florence Rivest
Location: 37 ch de la Truite, Notre-Dame-Du-Laus, Qc, J0X 2M0
Photographer: Drowster and François Laplante-Anfossi